How to Get the Most Out of a Real Estate Conference

The Troop and I are headed to the MidAtlantic Summit this week for two packed days of all things real estate and we are stoked! While we haven’t attended many real estate specific conferences, I’ve been to many for my full-time job so I know a thing or two about making these events worth the cost of admission. Here are a few quick tips to ensure you come home with tremendous value.
Actions to take before the conference
- Identify your goals. First and foremost, think about why you are even going to this event. Is it to gain knowledge about a specific topic, create a few local connections, get your name or brand in front of possible customers, or maybe just to get some cool photos for Instagram? Either way, decide on some goals that you’d like to accomplish during your time at the conference. This will help give more meaning to the sessions you attend and the conversations you have.
. - Download the conference app. Most conferences will have an event page in an app like Whova that can only be seen by conference attendees. It’s a great way to plan out the conference, get a lay of the land and connect with other participants before hand.
. - Make connections BEFORE the conference. Going into a conference blind can be overwhelming so it’s smart to pre-introduce yourself to fellow attendees or possibly even a few speakers. If the event has an app, that is the best place to do so. If not, shoot them an email or DM them through a community site and let them know who you are and suggest you’d like to connect in person at the event. Perhaps invite them for coffee or to meet up during one of the sessions. If reaching out to them directly is too much for your introverted self, tweet or post on social media using the event hashtag asking if anyone else will be attending. Having a few loose connections makes those awkward networking breaks easier to navigate.
. - Plan which sessions to attend. Conferences can sometimes be chaotic so I suggest taking a look at the speaker list and session agenda prior to the event to have a general idea of what sessions you’re most interested in. This way you can focus on meeting new people instead of figuring out where to go next between speakers. You can of course stray from this plan but I noticed one of the go-to conference questions I get asked when networking is, “What session are you going to next?” Having a response is helpful and it is a great way to continue a conversation if both of you are going to the same session.
. - Order business cards. You don’t want to make a great new connection and not have a way to keep in touch. Yes, I know this is 2019 and you can friend each other on Facebook or LinkedIn but handing over a business card is still a tried and true tactic and common practice amongst conferences. We always get our business cards from They are quick to print and offer so many great design templates. Use our link to get 25% off your first order!
During the conference
- Take all the notes. Part of the reason you’re at this event is to learn new things; and you are going to learn A LOT. So be sure to take notes and keep track of ideas because it will all be a blur once you get home.
. - Make Connections.The other reason you’re here is to build relationships. Don’t hide in a corner during the coffee breaks but instead use this as an opportunity to meet new people. Don’t be nervous, everyone is here to meet new people as well. I’ll even give you some easy icebreaker questions.
- What type of investing do you do?
- What did you think about the last session?
- What session are you going to next?
- What session are you most looking forward to?
- Build deeper relationships. Making new connections can be extremely valuable at conferences but also remember to foster existing relationships as well. But, be careful not to view them as a crutch. Make sure you stray from your comfort zone and meet others.
. - Take even more notes. Okay, you have a notebook full of session notes but be sure to add a few things about the people you met. Their names, what they are into, and some notes about what you spoke about. This will be helpful when you reach out to them in the future.
. - Attend after conference social gatherings. If the conference doesn’t host a happy hour or dinner, try to join others for some after hours fun. Better yet, organize your own gathering so you have something to invite people to during the day. Some of the best connections are made during this time and worth the extra effort.
. - Sign up for and download all of the free content. Speakers and vendors will be giving away loads of free stuff and you should take advantage of that. I’m not only talking about swag but also presentation slides, eBooks, special coupon codes or digital products only for conference attendees.
After the conference
- Reflect. Organize your notes and think about what your key takeaways from the conference are. Then think of a few action items you can take to move your career or business forward.
. - Follow-up. You made connections, rubbed some elbows, and cheers’d a few drinks. Now don’t let all that work go to waste. Take the time to follow up with your new friends. Remember the notes you jotted down? This is where those come in handy to give your message a personal touch. Let them know you enjoyed meeting them and perhaps set up a time for a call or video chat. If you really want to make a strong impression, provide value. Meet someone who’s thinking about investing in a new area? Send them a news article about a development in that city. Meet someone who’s looking for a new roofer? Send them over a few contacts. The more you give, the more you receive.
. - Post some content. If you have a business related social media account, website, or blog, share what you learned and your experience with your readers. This is not only a nice gesture, but a great way to keep track of each event personally.
That’s it! Check back in a week or so for our post-conference update and key takeaways.
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